Today’s Date is September 14, 1675. The accused Eleanor Junius was taken into custody September 11, 1675. Eleanor Junius was born 1620. She is 50 years old and a widower of Hershel Junius. There has yet to be an adequate confession. The accused protests her innocence.
Today being the 3 day of the accused in custody, Mayor Weizen, Reverend Bock, and Doctor Pilsener. Doctor Pilsener assures Junius is in good health and can take the punishment. Junius is to be question by both Mayor Weizen and Reverend Bock while having both hands bound behind her back and suspended by rope tied round her wrists. Reverend Bock begins.
“Widowed and left a nice plot of land and enough to sustain you and your family, where you not content? Has not God given to you enough? Why do you practice witchcraft and take from your neighbor?”
It is noted that Dr. Pilsner has interceded in the question. The accused Eleanor Junius has fainted and is unable to continue question. The accused will be allowed two days rest and questioning will resume September 16th, 1675
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