Let me tell you that she is a bad owner. That when I worked for her, Eleanor Junius was so nice, so pleasing to see. She would give me my coins for town when I was done each day instead of at the week’s end. I wanted to stay and work for her, show her what I know of the plough, of farmland, of how to make all the sheep sweet and the horses also. I have been always able to do this without magic, just a soft voice and way with the animals. Animals like me and I like them more than most people. I liked Eleanor. Then, she changed. The land changed, and the people that looked away when I would leave for town, when they would see me. This was strange to me. I had never had experiences like this before, on any farm before. But her farm was strange too. I began to understand why her neighbors would make me feel unwelcome, but sad for me.
After the first four days, all but one of her chickens died. They had been eating the same grain as always, but this grain was turning orange. Eleanor said that this was alright, that chickens can eat almost anything, and that she wanted to save her money for the cattle, all the sheep. I had some of the grain, oats that were orange. They were soured, but made for a good morning meal with hot water and apples. That day I could not keep working, and slept in the field, right by the plough. Eleanor was very angry, her face was glowing and so was the land. I vomited and then she took me and the mule back by the house. I slept in my bed, by the back property and had a dream about her face. The Sholdts said she had put herself into my mind to vex me, to have me join her and do her bidding. A terrible vision I had, of her mean face and old body walking with my dead little sister Eva above Eleanor. Where ever Eleanor would wander on the farm land so would Eva above her head. I screamed and screamed. Eleanor woke me the next morning to tell me I was sick and she brought a wet towel and hot meal for the morning. That I could rest. I tried to pray and pray. Every day I would. I will leave when the spring is gone, when it is good and warm to travel.
Marked as use for trial per court council- from the property of Alma and Wilhelm Sholdt. Herr Huzzle’s letter said to be in their possession since March 12th of 1671.
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