Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Second Confiscated letter of Eleanor Junius - Exact Date Uknow, between September 14th and September 20th of 1675


I have been allowed to write one last letter to you. I was naïve in thinking anyone would hear my protests against those who accuse me of witchcraft. Margaret, I am unsure you have received my first letter I wrote to you two weeks ago, but I am compelled to write you nonetheless. Your father was a good man, and has provided for this family, but what I assume is jealous and desire for his lands have lead our neighbors to accuse me of harming their son. Please Margaret, you know the mother I have been to you. Know that I am sincere in saying all accusations against me are false. The worse is here. The only one with any sense of compassion towards me is Doctor Pilsener. He alone has interceded on my behalf during my questioning. The questioning Margaret, I can not even begin to explain how I am questioned. I feel the only way to bring about any peace for our family is to confess. I want to confess, just to stop the questioning. I want to acknowledge and profess all the accusations against me are true, if only to bring about some end to the horrors I am being put through, but no my dearest Margaret, that I am entirely innocent. Let my granddaughter know no evil upon the name of her grandmother. Do not let this hurt the name of our family.


Your Mother
Eleanor Junius

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